Tal y como espero desde hace tiempo, mi estimadísima Karen O & Cía. van a sacar este año new album, titulado "It´s Blitz!":
Si publicar dicha novedad en el blog de la banda junto con imágenes de pollitos y un mapache ensangrentado no es un feliz comienzo de 2009, no sé que lo es...
"There is no beating the bit of news sweeping the nation at the moment but YYYs have a bit of news of our own to share. NEW RECORD? NEW RECORD!! NEW RECORD IS GETTING CLOSER TO BEING DONE DONE DONE! You still won't be hearing it until 2009 but damn are we close to finishing it and only after a year of writing and recording! Will it sound kind of like Show Your Bones? No, been there done that. What about IS IS? Is that more of the direction it's going in? Absolutely not, it sounds VERY different from last year's EP. Did we go back to our roots and write something closer to Fever to Tell? No looking back now silly, just full speed ahead. WHAT DOES IT SOUND LIKE?? Not much like anything you've heard from us before- DOES IT SOUND LIKE THE YEAH YEAH YEAHS??? YOU BET YOU'RE SWEET ASS IT DOES. Phew, can't wait. We can hardly wait ourselves, we miss all of you and we've been working extra hard on this one with the intention to make you as happy as possible. Just wanted to drop a line to let you in on how quickly we're approaching the finishing line and to GET PSYYYYYYYYYYYYCHED.
The YYYs
"It´s not the risk of what we lose..."
2 comentarios:
gracias por leer!
(y me encantan los yyy.)
Si no me equivoco es Facundo, uno de los extraños, que estaba completamente equivocado con eso de que el frio no enferma.
Y para mi deleite la noche la termine caminando bajo una llovizna hasta mi casa. Jamas la pase mejor. (?)
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